A vote for Fine Gael is a vote for 'climate chaos' - Dublin MEP


Dublin Green MEP Ciarán Cuffe says the latest comments by a Fine Gael MEP candidate are just a flavour of the lengths that her party and their EPP colleagues will go to unleash climate chaos on Europe. Driven by private, profiteering interests, Cuffe says the party is hell-bent on dismantling hard-fought protections designed to keep people safe and secure in their homes. 

Speaking at a canvass on Dublin’s Henry Street, MEP Cuffe said:

“Unfortunately, we have come to expect this from Fine Gael and EPP. Time and time again, they have gotten into bed with Europe’s far-right to tank green laws designed to keep people safe in their homes, safe on our streets. They make no secrets about their agenda of inaction either, going as far to publish a kill-list of EU laws. People should be aware of the choice they face when they’re voting this Friday: climate chaos with Fine Gael or a liveable, safe future with the Greens.”
“Fine Gael do not take the threat of climate change seriously nor are they ready to live up to their responsibility to protect the Irish people from its catastrophic effects. Taoiseach Simon Harris’ failure to even discuss climate change during his Convention speech or in his speech to the National Economic Dialogue is symptomatic of a wider party inertia that you’d sooner expect from the Tories.
I believe that voters know, apparently better than Fine Gael do, that we cannot press ‘pause’ on taking action against the single greatest threat facing our home. We need to provide incentives, information, and supports, not politically-motivated messages of fear. The Green vision for Dublin is a liveable and affordable city with cleaner air and water, cheap and reliable public transport, and warmer homes for all that puts money back in people’s pockets. It is a positive agenda of change that we are pursuing in cities all over Europe. We have to fight back against Fine Gael’s scaremongering, or Ireland will be left behind.” 

June 3, 2024

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