Allowing extra night flights at Dublin Airport


1st February 2021 The Fingal Planning Officer, Fingal County Council By eportal Re. F20A/0668 A proposed development at Dublin Airport (allowing additional night flights) Dear Madam/Sir, I write to request that Planning Permission is refused for the proposed development for the following reasons:

  1. Surrounding communities have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes, particularly at night-time.

2.There is a climate and biodiversity emergency. Now is a time to reduce rather than increase the number of flights through Dublin Airport.

  1. The Dublin Airport Authority must show their bona-fides and engage in meaningful consultation with the surrounding communities above and beyond minimal compliance with Planning Law.
  1. The provision of complex documentation as non-searchable pdfs represents a considerable barrier to the public in understanding and analysing the information provided and may be deemed to be a breach of the requirements to comply with the Aarhus Directive.
  1. I note Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. I draw your attention to the use of the selected common noise indicator Lnight, to assess sleep disturbance, and note that night extends to 07:00 under these regulations *, and that the day-evening-night level Lden in decibels (dB) is defined by the following formula:

This suggests that the impact of night-time noise on affected communities shall be assessed at 10 dB in excess of the impact of day-time noise. It must be stressed that a decibel scale is logarithmic and an addition of ten decibels implies that the impact is ten times greater. Given the severity of the impact of night-time noise this suggests that the Planning Authority must refuse Planning Permission for the proposed development. I request that you acknowledge this submission and take it into account in your determination of the Planning Application. Sincerely,Ciarán CuffeCiarán CUFFE MEP for Dublin* link to the submission can be found here.


February 1, 2021

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