Cuffe demands Commission action on short-haul flights


Cuffe demands Commission action on short-haul flightsToday, Green MEPs have called upon the Commission to take action on short-haul flights across the EU on routes where there are environmentally friendly alternatives available. In a letter sent to Executive Vice President Timmermans and Transport Commissioner Vălean, MEPs also called on the Commission to enact 2009 regulation, which requires airlines and other vendors to provide customers with the comparative environmental footprint of different transport modes.Ciarán Cuffe Green Party MEP for Dublin and Transport and Tourism Committee Coordinator for the Greens/EFA said, "The Commission must follow through on its commitments and take action to tackle often needless short-haul flights. We know that the aviation industry is one of the largest emitters of harmful emissions and pollutants in Europe. The aviation sector is actively opposing measures to address this. Far too many tax benefits are given to airlines, and these put sustainable alternatives like rail at a disadvantage."Many short-haul flights have excellent sustainable alternatives, like the train between Amsterdam and Brussels. In addition, the return of night trains deserves EU support. We must make it easier to travel sustainably across the EU. We're asking the Commission to deliver on a regulation from over 10 years ago: it obliges companies to provide customers with the environmental footprint of different transport options as part of the booking process. This allows them to make informed choices about their travel. We also want them to create an online tool to show travellers the alternatives to flying.Mr Cuffe concluded: "We need leadership from the Commission. France has already banned certain short-haul flights where there are reasonable rail alternatives. The Austrian government worked with Austrian Airlines as part of a bailout package to ensure journeys of less than three hours that have a rail alternative are phased out. The Commission does not need to reinvent the wheel. There are established alternatives that work well and are good for the planet. They must be promoted."EndsIssued 30.6.2021


June 30, 2021

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