EU Greens congratulate Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and warn against the far right


Bündnis 90/Die Grünen have achieved their second-best ever federal election result. With 11.6% and 85 seats in the German parliament this is a respectable result, particularly in the context of three years in a difficult coalition and in an extremely challenging international context.

Vula Tsetsi, Co-Chair of the European Green Party, said:

"We congratulate Alliance 90/The Greens. The Greens ran a committed election campaign with their lead candidate Robert Habeck. At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the rise of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Once again, it is clear that when centre-right parties shift their discourse further to the right, this does not stop the far right. On the contrary, it strengthens it.
In the last months we have seen strong verbal attacks from right-wing parties against left-wing and Green politicians, as well as activists and protesters. There was foreign interference in favour of AfD by Elon Musk, as well as sabotage attempts from Russia targeted directly to the Greens. These alarming trends should be a wake-up call to all democratic forces.
The next German government has a historic responsibility to show a commitment to strengthening Europe in an increasingly challenging global landscape. With the ongoing Russian aggression towards Ukraine, and the return of Trump, the pro-European voices in Germany must be heard loud and clear."  

Ciarán Cuffe, Co-Chair of the European Green Party, added:

"Research on election day also showed that climate, environment and energy remain in the top three concerns of German voters. It is clear that the next government must not undo the achievements of the last coalition, under the leadership of the Greens, in advancing the green transition and climate policy. The climate crisis will not wait and neither should Germany.
The European Green Party expects the next government to take a pro-European approach, continuing support for Ukraine, climate action and strengthening European democratic values. In the final days of the campaign, we saw hopeful signs that a wide range of parties - alarmed by the brazen actions of the Trump administration - insisted on the importance of the European project. This momentum must now be translated into action.”

February 24, 2025

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BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN at the Electoral Night

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