EU Must Align Climate Law with Science: Dublin’s Green MEP


EU Must Align Climate Law with Science: Dublin’s Green MEP

The Green Party has called for more ambition on climate at the European level. Speaking in the European Parliament this morning, Ciarán Cuffe MEP said that politicians must take their lead from recent court judgements which have mandated more ambition on tackling climate change. Ciarán Cuffe MEP for Dublin said,

“The Courts in Germany and the Netherlands have pointed the way towards greater climate action. Young climate activists do not want to inherit a world of soaring temperatures and climate breakdown. They demand more action than this climate law is currently proposing.

“When I was born the level of Carbon Dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere was 320 parts per million. It has now risen to almost 420 parts per million, a 30% increase in my lifetime. We must be brave and ambitious in our actions. Europe’s emissions are higher than most, and we have a moral responsibility to be ambitious in our response. As we prepare for COP26 in Glasgow this autumn, we need to go further and faster to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises.”

Ciarán Cuffe MEP was speaking remotely during the Brussels plenary debate on the European Climate Law. A vote on the European Climate Law will be held later this morning. Mr Cuffe and the Greens/European Free Alliance voted against the final stage of the agreement, arguing that it is not ambitious enough to tackle climate change.


Issued 24.6.21


June 24, 2021

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