Green MEP questions if too soon for Boeing MAX 737 to fly


Ciarán Cuffe MEP raised questions in the European Parliament's Transport Committee with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on whether it is too soon for the Boeing MAX 737 fleet to take the skies in the EU again. The aircraft type was grounded following two crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia that killed 347 people.Ciarán Cuffe MEP for Dublin said "I understand the EASA has been looking into the Max 737 safety standards.However,the report from a former senior Boeing manager that it's too early for the Boeing MAX 737 fleet to fly again is concerning. The issue of regulatory capture- where the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allowed airlines to issue their own safety certificates – continues to raise serious concerns about the recertification of this fleet. To ensure passenger safety, we need the EASA to respond fully to the reports from the senior Boeing manager. This should be done before the MAX 737 fleet is allowed to take to the skies again. There are less flights at the moment due to Covid, so there is time to get this right. It could save lives."


January 29, 2021

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