Green MEP Supports European Parliament Resolution on Ukraine


Irish Green MEP Ciarán Cuffe has voted in favour of a European Parliament resolution on Russian aggression against Ukraine. He stated: “As the carnage in Ukraine continues, Putin’s murderous actions must be condemned. We must ensure a direct confrontation between NATO and Russian forces is avoided.“I am pleased that the European Union has responded with strong economic sanctions and a decisive diplomatic and political response. We need to increase pressure on Russia to end the violence. It was very important for the European Parliament to be united today in condemning the invasion, showing solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and calling for the EU to act on issues like greater humanitarian assistance and refugee protection''“Although there was language in the resolution that we disagreed with including the strengthening of NATO’s enhanced forward presence in the EU, calls for common military exercises and expanding liquefied natural gas terminals, I believe that the Russian attack must be strongly condemned.“Our military neutrality, and proud record of peace-keeping is an asset. Ireland must use its position on the United Nations Security Council to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis. We must also welcome Ukrainian refugees and continue to provide humanitarian assistance. Nor can we forget those fleeing war zones elsewhere in the world, in the Middle East and elsewhere as we continue to assist those fleeing persecution.”ENDS1 March 2022


March 2, 2022

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