New Solid Fuel Regulations for Ireland


2nd April 2021The Head of the Air Quality DivisionDepartment of the Environment, Climate and CommunicationsBy email Quality Division, Newtown RoadWexford Y35 AP90Re. Public Consultation on the development of new Solid Fuel Regulations for IrelandDear Madam/Sir,I welcome the opportunity to make my views known on the development of new Solid Fuel Regulations for Ireland. I believe a nationwide ban on the sale and burning of smoky coal and the regulation of other fuels is needed to combat air pollution and protect public health.The Irish Environmental Protection Agency has found that pollution in Dublin causes around 725 deaths each year. In addition, the EPA has stated that residential use of solid fuel such as coal, peat and wood is still the largest problem for air quality and health in Ireland. The continued use of solid fuel burning for home heating remains the leading contributor to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution across Ireland. This pollutant is the most health‐impactful of those affecting Irish people today and is thus the largest problem from an air quality point of view I therefore believe that it is reasonable to introduce regulations that set parameters for restrictions on fuel sales that will safeguard human health. Such regulations may prescribe the maximum moisture content, or limits on specific pollutants that are produced from such fuels when burnt. I also suggest that regulations are needed for solid fuel burning appliances. These could set new minimum seasonal efficiency and maximum emission requirements for solid fuel burning room heater stoves, with boilers and cooker appliances. Such regulations are in place in the United Kingdom. I note that commercial vested interests have voiced opposition to tighter regulation, just as they did when regulations were introduced to ban smoky coal in some cities over thirty years ago. Such interests have blood on their hands when it comes to the impact of their actions. Any such attempts to halt efforts to protect human health should be resisted, as better regulation is a matter of life or death. I wish you well in your work and look forward to the publication of Solid Fuel Regulations. Sincerely, Ciarán CuffeCiarán CUFFEMEP for DublinA link to this submission can be found here.


April 2, 2021

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