Outdoor Dining Sandymount Village


14th May 2021The Director of Transportation Services By email covidmobility@dublincity.ieJohn Flanagan, Assistant Chief Executive & City EngineerDublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, D08 RFRe. Public Consultation on Sandymount Outdoor Dining ProposalsDear Mr. Flanagan,I welcome the proposal to provide for outdoor dining in Sandymount Village. Given the short consultation period I assume that these are temporary interventions and that there may be opportunity for a more holistic examination of Sandymount Village in the coming months. Such a study might consider the possibility for inclusion of Zebra crossings at key unsignalised crossing points around the Green.Given the focus on dining in the current proposals it may be appropriate to consider the installation of low level lighting such as strings of coloured LED lights across the pedestrianised area that would contrast with the more garish Sodium road lighting fixtures.As the pedestrianised area is quite significant it would be worth providing additional litter bins, and put in place a rota for enhanced street cleaning and bin emptying.Perhaps the plans could consider some branding for the temporarily pedestrianised area. The street sign mounted on Mario’s restaurant ‘Sandymount Green’ could perhaps be used as a graphic device that could be copied and placed on a large street sign perhaps 4m by 1m at both ends of the pedestrianised area with of course Irish on one side and English on the other.I look forward to the implementation of these welcome changes.Sincerely, Ciarán CuffeCiarán CUFFE, MEP for DublinA link to this submission can be accessed here.


May 14, 2021

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