Proposed Royal Canal Greenway


7 July 2021The Chief ExecutiveFingal County Council Re. Royal Canal GreenwayDear Madam/Sir,I write to express my support for this vital link in the Royal Canal Greenway.

  1. I believe it will creat an important addition to the cycling network in greater Dublin.
  2. It has the potential to provide a much-needed link in the greater Dublin cycling network.
  3. It has potential to promote active travel and bring about a more sustainable modal shift.
  4. It will provide a safe cycling route for children as well as cyclists of all ages.
  5. It seems appropriate to maintain the alignment north of the Deep Sink due to the local constraints.
  6. It would be useful to ensure that meaningful consultation continues with all affected communities

I wish you well in your advancement of these plans and look forward to their advancement.Sincerely,Ciarán CuffeCiarán CUFFE, MEP for DublinA link to the submission can be found here.


July 7, 2021

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