Thank you to my friend and colleague, Eamon Ryan


Cuffe hails Ryan's dedication to public service

Ciarán Cuffe has paid tribute to his friend and colleague Eamon Ryan, who today announced his intention to step down as Green Party leader.

“Twenty-seven years ago, Eamon Ryan topped the poll when he ran for election to represent Rathmines on Dublin City Council. His vision of a greener, cleaner city that was safe to walk and cycle around is as relevant now as it was then. Since then, his work in energy and transport in Ireland and abroad has been at the forefront of the changes needed to tackle the climate crisis.
“In the aftermath of the 2011 election, he took on the leadership of the Party at its lowest ebb. From there, he laid out a path for the Party’s return to office and took on his critics, notably the broadcaster Vincent Browne, to successfully forge a future for the Party. 
“Eamon was instrumental in the drafting and enactment of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021. His efforts to ensure the Irish Government takes real and effective action against climate change and biodiversity loss will be his enduring legacy. 
“Only yesterday, his work in Europe on the Nature Restoration Law bore fruit when this legislation was approved by the Council of the European Union. This law providing cleaner water, healthy soil and a future for farming, is further testimony to the far-reaching impact of his leadership.
“Eamon is a hard worker, an astute politician, and good friend. I wish him well with his plans for the future.”

June 18, 2024

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